The Advice Service is here for you today call us on 02392843478


We understand that impending deadlines and exams can be very stressful. The Advice Centre has curated some resources to help you manage stress, and should you need it you can contact the Advice Service for further support: 

Things you can do to manage stress:

  • Eat & Drink Well 

Healthy food will keep you energised and active throughout your day

  • Reward Yourself 

Reward yourself for reaching milestones, it may help your motivation! Maybe come to the Farm Experience?

  • Keep Fit 

Exercise will help you let off steam and give you a break from revision.

  • Listen To Music

Music can have a positive impact on our mood and be used for motivation and focus

  • Relax

Deep breathing is one of the best ways to lower stress in the body

  • Enjoy Yourself 

Remember to take breaks, enjoy yourself and laugh

  • Sleep Well 

Getting lots of rest is important for productivity

  • Plan Your Time

Creating an ordered list, breaking down large tasks and focusing solely on what you are doing can help put things in perspective and minimise stress

  • Reduce Clutter 

Tidy room tidy mind, a messy work space can make you feel anxious, helpless, and overwhelmed

  • Remove Distraction 

Try some tech-free time to help productivity

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