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UPSU Grants

In this section you will find 3 different Grant pots open to students and Student groups. Below is more information on all Grants available and the steps to apply for funding. 

Development Grant

What is it?

There is a funding pot of £2,000 for groups,

How does it work?

Student leaders (committee members of a group) can make an application for up to £500 through our funding form, which can be found here.

When does it happen? 

There is a Funding committee roughly once a month, at least six times across the academic year. You must submit by 1st of each month and you will receive a decision by 10th every month

You can find a full list of dates when the Committee will be meeting here

If the application is approved by the funding committee - access to the money is immediate

Are there conditions of funding?

Groups must spend the money in the manner their application form set out. There will be a timescale to be able to spend the money so that it is not reserved for something that ends up not happening. 

Any unspent funds will be returned to the Union to use within the funding pot.

What kind of thing could be funded?

  • Activities or events led by a student group.
  • Catering costs up to £50 per event.
  • Printing costs up to £25 per event.
  • Speaker, presenter, compère or coach costs.
  • Group travel costs.
  • Events that benefit the society and all its members.
What kind of thing won't be funded?
  • Activities or events led by a group which is not affiliated with the SU.
  • Alcohol – allowed at events but not funded by the Union. No alcohol is to be brought onto the Union premises where alcohol is already served (e.g. the Bar or Cafe).
  • Venue costs or Zoom pro accounts – the Union can supply a venue at no cost and therefore will not pay to hire off-campus venues. For online events, please use your Google Meets account via your group account.
  • Activities which are against the Union's principles and values.
  • Events that benefit an individual only within a student group.
  • Contributions towards degree and course costs.
  • Retrospective funding for past events and projects – there is a funding group meeting almost every month so you have time to apply for money for events or projects you have coming up. 
  • Events that directly breach contractual agreements set out by the business team


Contact Groups@upsu.net to get more information about the Hardship Fund.

Support Fund 

What is it?

There is a funding pot of £1,000 for individuals to receive a one off payment in the form of a voucher to enable immediate access to food.

How does it work?

Individuals can make an application for up to £50 through our funding form, which can be found here.

When does it happen? 

There is a Funding committee that review applications on a case by case basis - if you  submit an application by midday on Thursdays you will receive a decision by following Thursday. If you walk into the Advice Service or make an appointment with them you will be instantly notified what assistance can be provided.

If the application is approved by the funding committee - access to the voucher is immediate

Are there conditions of funding?

Individuals will not be given cash, if deemed appropriate, they will be given a voucher for food. Individuals will need to make face to face contact with advice@upsu.net to receive a voucher and/or advice of any further assistance available.


Contact wesupport@upsu.net to get more information about the Hardship Fund.

Participation Fund

The Participation Fund is brought to you by Dominos. 

 Participation Fund how does it work

What is it?

There is a funding pot of £7,000 for individuals to receive the benefit of joining a group

How does it work?

Individuals can make an application for up to £500 through our funding form, which can be found here.

When does it happen? 

There is a Funding committee that reviews applications on a weekly basis - if you  submit by midday on Thursdays you will receive a decision by the following Thursday. 

You can find a full list of dates when the Committee will be meeting here

If the application is approved by the funding committee - access to the money is immediate

Are there conditions of funding?

Individuals will not be given the money, they will be awarded funding to cover what has been applied for. Individuals will need to make face to face contact with groups@upsu.net so that they can purchase membership etc

Any unspent funds will be returned to the Union to use within the funding pot.

What kind of thing could be funded?

  • Joining fee/Membership to a group (UoP or UPSU)
  • Activities or events led by a student group.
  • Individual travel costs associated with the group.
What kind of thing won't be funded?
  • Activities or events led by a group which is not affiliated with the SU.
  • Alcohol – allowed at events but not funded by the Union. No alcohol is to be brought onto the Union premises where alcohol is already served (e.g. the Bar or Cafe).
  • Venue costs or Zoom pro accounts – the Union can supply a venue at no cost and therefore will not pay to hire off-campus venues. For online events, please use your Google Meets account via your group account.
  • Activities which are against the Union's principles and values.
  • Contributions towards degree and course costs.
  • Retrospective funding for past events and projects – there is opportunity to apply for money on a weekly basis (at least during term time)
  • Events that directly breach contractual agreements set out by the business team 


Contact Groups@upsu.net to get more information about the Hardship Fund.

Grant Form

Page created: Wed, 15 Jun 2022 10:07:34 GMT
Page updated: Fri, 29 Nov 2024 16:14:30 GMT

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The University of Portsmouth Students’ Union has a vision of creating a positive impact with every Portsmouth student during their time at University.

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