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Withdrawing from University

Withdrawing from the university is a right of any student.

Submitting a Withdrawal will terminate your registration in both the programme of study and all units associated with it, and any assessment entitlements, with effect from the last date of attendance as recorded on the Withdrawal Form:

Students should talk to the University Student Finance Centre and Student Finance England because leaving can have implication regarding fees. Students will also need to discuss accommodation with the relevant people (i.e. Halls of Residence staff or Landlords). If you are in Halls you will have to leave. You will also no longer be registered as a student so will have to pay council tax.

Suspending Your Studies

The Policy

A Suspension of Studies is when a student wishes to interrupt their studies due to personal reasons. This is usually because of a 'long term' disruption, defined as over 20 working days by the University. It it is not a student right and you will need approval from your department.

What does suspension consist of?

  • For a full time student, this means they are suspended from all units on the programme for (usually) one academic year.
  • For a part time student, it may not be all units.
  • For a postgraduate student, it will be a suspension of all incomplete unites and studies will resume where they were left after the suspension has ceased.

A suspension of studies cannot last longer than one year, but there are exceptional circumstances that would need to be discussed with the Head of Department.


Students should talk to the University Student Finance Centre and Student Finance England to explore how this will impact their fees. Students may also need to discuss accommodation with the relevant people (e.g. Halls of Residence staff or Landlords). If you are in halls, you will usually have to leave whilst you have suspended. You will still be registered as a student so should not need to pay council tax.

If you still wish to suspend your studies after these discussions have occurred, you will need to take the following action:

  • Submit a request in writing, including your reasons for this request.
  • The request should be submitted to your Head of Department.
  • You should state when you would like your suspension to end.
  • A period of suspension cannot last longer than one year without a further request being necessary. This request will only be agreed in exceptional circumstances.

The Advice Service can help through assisting with understanding of what suspension of studies entails, supporting with contacting the relevant departments and people, and offering any additional support that may be required.

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