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The Students’ Union is an independent charity that exists to advance your education at the University of Portsmouth through a range of exciting services and activities. Our mission is to have a positive impact with every Portsmouth student: Students are heard, students are empowered, students thrive.
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At UPSU's Advice Service, we offer confidential, impartial and non-judgemental support on a range of academic and university issues that may affect your experience. Our team of trained advisers are on hand all year round to offer help where it's needed. The independent service works closely with the University of Portsmouth to resolve issues and ensure students are treated fairly.
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UPSU are here to represent every student at the University of Portsmouth. We have many ways you can express your student voice, including: our Course Rep system, Have Your Say, Student Council, StART, Hot Topic, Annual Survey, Focus Groups, and more! Click on the tabs to learn more about each platform regarding Representation! You can also see a summary of our research by clicking on the UPSU Research & Data page.
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Student Groups are a great development opportunity and a great place to find new friends, build a community and have a sense of belonging whilst at University!
The Advice Service is here for you today call us on 02392843478
The Fitness to Study Policy
Fitness to Study assesses how well a student can fully engage with their studies and meet the objectives of their programme without endangering their own well-being or that of others. Any student who declares a health condition or disability will be subject to Fitness to Study consideration.
Grounds for concern regarding Fitness to Study may include:
- The student posing a risk to themselves or others.
- The student's behaviour negatively affecting the experience of others in the university course.
- The student's behaviour negatively affecting the day-to-day activities of the university.
If concerns about a student's Fitness to Study are raised a meeting will be called with the Faculty's Fitness to Study Advisor (FSA). The Advice Service can accompany students to the meeting with the FSA and the Fitness to Study Panel but cannot speak on their behalf.
The Fitness to Reside Policy
The University has a Fitness to Reside policy. This relates to a student's ability to live well with others, observing rules and norms that promote a pleasant and safe living environment in a University-allocated or third-party nominated hall.
If your fitness to reside is ever questioned, you should first be supported informally by the university and halls provider to help decide on steps that will enable you to continue living in halls.
If these measures have been exhausted and there are still concerns, a Fitness to Reside Panel will be convened.
If you are called to a Fitness to Reside Panel, you will be notified. The formal notice will include the date, time, and venue of the panel, details of where help and advice can be sought, and a copy of any documents that may be considered during the meeting.
A Fitness to Reside Panel typically has five attendees from the University's side: the Head of Residential Services or a nominated representative as Chair, the Head of Wellbeing or a nominated representative, a Student Union representative, and a secretary who will produce a record of the proceedings. The Hall Manager or their representative will present the case and all evidence to the panel for consideration.
Within two working days of the Fitness to Reside Panel, the Chair, via the Secretary, will issue the Decision Notice.
The Fitness to Practice Policy
Fitness to Practice assesses whether a student has adhered to the rules and regulations set by the professional bodies governing their course. Students in specific professional courses are expected to uphold and respect the standards established by the course's professional body. At the start of the student's course, these standards and expectations should be made clear.
The Academic Registrar will provide a formal notice of impending disciplinary action related to Fitness to Practice to each student named in the allegation of misconduct. This formal notice will include the allegation of a major offence, details of the inquiry meeting, a copy of the evidence, and information regarding support and representation at the panel.
During the panel, the allegation will be discussed and evidence presented. This is the student's opportunity to present their side of the argument.
After the panel, the student will receive a Decision Notice from the Academic Registrar. This notice will contain a summary of the major points of the inquiry, the rationale for its findings, the findings of the inquiry, if relevant, and any penalty the student may face.
You have the right to appeal the decision made if you are not happy with it. However the Appeal must be based on one or more of the following grounds and only the student accused can appeal against the findings and/or against the sanctions imposed:
A. a material procedural irregularity, which might have impacted significantly on the validity of the original hearing and the subsequent penalty;
B. new evidence that could not reasonably have been made available to the initial disciplinary hearing;
C. that the penalty imposed by the disciplinary hearing was too severe bearing in mind the circumstances of the case and the treatment of other students in similar positions.
A student should submit a statement of appeal within 10 working days from the date printed on the Decision Notice they are wishing to appeal, which must be sent to the Academic Registrar.
If the Academic Registrar decides the Appeal is valid they will appoint a new Appeal Panel, who have not been involved with the matter. The student lodging the Appeal is entitled to attend this meeting.
Page created: Thu, 13 Jan 2022 16:38:46 GMT
Page updated: Tue, 03 Sep 2024 10:22:27 GMT
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The University of Portsmouth Students’ Union has a vision of creating a positive impact with every Portsmouth student during their time at University.