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Kink Society


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About Kink Society

Welcome everyone to the new University of Portsmouth Kink Society🎉💜 

Firstly, we want to clarify that we are not a Fetish Society. The term 'fetish' has a lot of stigma surrounding it and while 'fetish' is often perceived as sexual in nature, 'kink' can be sexual or non-sexual - it is an umbrella term. We want to emphasise that as a society! Hence our logo being an umbrella☂ 

We believe in inclusivity and equality for all, accepting everyone and creating a safe space for people to feel welcome. We are a society with zero judgement and hold a zero tolerance policy for discrimination and prejudice of any kind. We will not tolerate kink shaming and we respect people’s privacy which includes not exposing anyone's kinks. 

Our aim is to create a community of like-minded, respectful and caring individuals who uphold the ethos of practicing safe, sane and consensual BDSM💫 We want everyone to feel comfortable around us, free to express themselves without fear of judgement and know that as a society we will look out for each other.

We very much look forward to the year ahead! The committee is constantly planning socials, talks and workshops that we hope you will enjoy🥳 If you have any ideas for events or general suggestions, you can email us at kink@upsu.net or DM us on Instagram (link attached). After all, the society is here for you!

Please note that you will need to become a member and be a current UoP student to access our private Discord chat and potentially for some exclusive events, we’re still working out the kinks 😁😜😏 see what we did there?

We very much hope to meet you at our events and socials. Until then, stay kinky✌️

Group Memberships

Full Membership 24/25

Full Annual Membership until 1 August, 2025

Expires on 1 August 2025

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The University of Portsmouth Students’ Union has a vision of creating a positive impact with every Portsmouth student during their time at University.

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