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Purple Lantern Society


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About Purple Lantern Society

Purple Lantern Society is a new society for students who identify as neurodivergent (diagnosed or suspecting ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, Tourettes, etc) and anyone who wishes to learn more about neurodiversity. It is run by a neurodivergent committee.


We are all about increasing awareness and understanding of neurodiversity within the University Community. We aim to create a safe and inclusive space to make friends and have fun.


We meet up or have online socials weekly for board games, arts & crafts, and other socials the members are  interested in. Additionally, we are working together with the Union, to ensure that there is up-to-date information about where to get support for issues commonly faced by neurodivergent students.


Also, we are a gateway society for other societies, meaning we will have speakers from other societies or join other societies’ socials (joint socials), so the members will have a chance to ask any questions and potentially join them.


If you have any questions about the society’s activities, the help options we provide, or any other queries, please feel free to contact us via email at

Group Memberships

Full Membership 24/25

Full Annual Membership until 1 August, 2025

Expires on 1 August 2025

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