Bring Back The Bar

We would like to bring back the Student Union bar, and create a community for students, in a safe space, to socialise and connect. You can access our campaign through the hashtag #bringbackthebar on Instagram As well as our instagram page @uop_bringbackthebar

  • Petition submitted by on Nov 3, 2022


This petition has reached the required number of backers to be reviewed at the next meeting.

How Will This Idea Benefit Students?

By Re-opening the Student Union bar, Our campaign has three main objectives which would benefit students:

1. Community - we would like to recreate a sense of community for students within the Union, and encourage students to connect throughout the university through a students only area. 

2. Safe Space - By bringing back the student union bar, we would be encouraging a safe space for students to drink, relax and enjoy a night out. We understand that after the fears surrounding COVID-19 and spiking in clubs, students would prefer a student only area on nights out.

3. Get students back into the SU - By reopening the student bar, we would be able to encourage more students into the Union itself, and therefore encourage more active participation in the Student Union running, events and societies. 

How Can The Union Achieve This?

The Student Union can support us in our campaign by encouraging societies to uptake the campaign and share the petition link. In addition, we would like to take part in Student Union events in the upcoming future to further gather support for our campaign, working in collaboration with the Union itself, and other groups and organisations. 

Petition Updates

  • Bring Back the Bar - July SC

    When Blueprints of the interior of the new Student Union Building are made confidential, Students will be able to see whether there will be a Bar or not.

  • Backers Needed Reached

    This idea has reached the required number of backers and will now be reviewed at the Student Council.

  • Petition in review

    This petition will now be reviewed at the next Student Council. You can find the date on the Meetings section of the HYS platform.

  • Petition needs Backers to Continue

    This petition needs 15 student backers by 15:12 1st Dec 2022 to proceed.

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The University of Portsmouth Students’ Union has a vision of creating a positive impact with every Portsmouth student during their time at University.

© 2024 UPSU. Registered charity number 1136115, a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales number 3934555.