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The Students’ Union is an independent charity that exists to advance your education at the University of Portsmouth through a range of exciting services and activities. Our mission is to have a positive impact with every Portsmouth student: Students are heard, students are empowered, students thrive.
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At UPSU's Advice Service, we offer confidential, impartial and non-judgemental support on a range of academic and university issues that may affect your experience. Our team of trained advisers are on hand all year round to offer help where it's needed. The independent service works closely with the University of Portsmouth to resolve issues and ensure students are treated fairly.
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UPSU are here to represent every student at the University of Portsmouth. We have many ways you can express your student voice, including: our Course Rep system, Have Your Say, Student Council, StART, Hot Topic, Annual Survey, Focus Groups, and more! Click on the tabs to learn more about each platform regarding Representation! You can also see a summary of our research by clicking on the UPSU Research & Data page.
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Student Groups are a great development opportunity and a great place to find new friends, build a community and have a sense of belonging whilst at University!
Albanian Independence day
Nights to take note...
- Posted Wed, Nov 23, 2022 3:28 PM
As our annual day of Independence is near where we celebrate the hardships our ancestors fought to gain the liberation of our nation. Therefore it is only right we honor their sacrifice by coming together and celebrating the culture they fought to preserve.
There are two dates to note
25/11/2022 is the Albanian student night where Albanian societies come together form universities across the UK to celebrate (tickets can be found on the events page)
28/11/22 is the actual day of independence where Albanians parade in the streets of London which usually starts around 19:00 or 20:00 (parade can usually be found around parliament and the London eye)
I hope you all can make it to at least one of these events
Long live Albania
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The University of Portsmouth Students’ Union has a vision of creating a positive impact with every Portsmouth student during their time at University.