Groups Elections

        Student Group Elections


Student groups are led by a committee who work to organise events and bring students together. To make sure that everyone has an opportunity to become a committee member, Society members vote to elect their new committee leaders each year. Typically, Society Elections are held in Winter Term, unless you're a new or postgraduate group.

All core committee positions (President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Welfare) must be elected through this process in order for your group to continue its operations into the following academic year.

When will they take place?

  • Nominations Open: 10am, Tuesday 5th March 2024
  • Nominations Close: 9am, Thursday 14th March 2024
  • Voting Opens: 9am Tuesday 19th March 2024
  • Voting Closes: 4pm, Wednesday 20th March 2024


  • All elections will run online, through the SU website. No elections are permitted to take place in person, but you're welcome to host an election hustings where nominees discuss their manifestos / address potential voters. Please submit an event form for these if you do want to host one.
  • All elections will be set up for you, and all of your group's members will be emailed with information about nominations, voting, and the results that follow.
  • All you need to do from your end is promote the elections to your members, and encourage people to nominate themselves for roles.
  • Please note: Candidates are not permitted to spend any money on campaigning or creating promotional materials for their run in the elections.


There are 4 core roles that every affiliated group must have:

  • Presidents are routinely responsible for overseeing the whole Society, and their activities including events, finances, and engaging new members throughout the year.
  • Treasurers are routinely responsible for overseeing the Society's finances for the year, including budgeting for small and large-scale events, as well as ensuring that membership funds are spent appropriately to benefit all members.
  • Secretary is required to support the President and Treasurer where necessary, including in the planning of events, the chairing of committee meetings, and the distributing of notes from these meetings where needed. They may also be responsible for planning social events for the group's members.
  • Welfare is required to work with other committee members to ensure that all activities are accessible and welcoming to all. To ensure that society adheres to the code of conduct. Train to recognize any underlying issues of both the group and individuals. Signpost to external support I.E Student Advise center


Being on a committee is a great way to develop your skills, meet new people and hopefully have lots of fun! It's your chance to shape your group and make your members' voices heard. The SU are here to support you every step of the way.

Forms and Guides

Page created: Thu, 29 Feb 2024 16:24:27 GMT
Page updated: Thu, 29 Feb 2024 17:07:39 GMT

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