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The Students’ Union is an independent charity that exists to advance your education at the University of Portsmouth through a range of exciting services and activities. Our mission is to have a positive impact with every Portsmouth student: Students are heard, students are empowered, students thrive.
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The Students’ Union Elections.
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At UPSU's Advice Service, we offer confidential, impartial and non-judgemental support on a range of academic and university issues that may affect your experience. Our team of trained advisers are on hand all year round to offer help where it's needed. The independent service works closely with the University of Portsmouth to resolve issues and ensure students are treated fairly.
Representation menu
UPSU are here to represent every student at the University of Portsmouth. We have many ways you can express your student voice, including: our Course Rep system, Have Your Say, Student Council, StART, Hot Topic, Annual Survey, Focus Groups, and more! Click on the tabs to learn more about each platform regarding Representation! You can also see a summary of our research by clicking on the UPSU Research & Data page.
Student Groups menu
Student Groups are a great development opportunity and a great place to find new friends, build a community and have a sense of belonging whilst at University!
Neurodivergence acceptance workshop
Friday 12th May 11:00 - Friday 12th May 13:00
- £0.00
- Meeting room 1
We want to welcome you to the neurodivergence acceptance workshop, we are hosting for mental health awareness month.
This workshop will be presented by Cora Burke and Dr Shah Siddiqui. Dr Shah Siddiqui is a dyslexic thinker and neurodiverse speaker, who conducts research in Custom Software Development, Research and Artificial Intelligence (AI).Cora Burke is a neurodiversity consultant, who legally advising neurodivergent people in workplaces. Cora Burke works for NeuroRebellion, which is the movement for and by NeuroDistinguished people. Their mission is to forge change and secure for the community the rights we already have, but don't get, under current legislation, including equitable and inclusive access to healthcare, housing, education, work and justice.
The workshop will include:
- Academic help
- Day to Day assistance and where you can find help
- Know Your Rights, including:
- What are you entitled to in terms of reasonable adjustments in your studies?
- What are you entitled to in terms of reasonable adjustments in your workplace?
- Access to Work
- Personal Independent Payment (Benefits)
Shah and Cora will also speak about what NeuroRebellion and their collaboration under the Neurodivergent Business Consortium, and what they are trying to accomplish.
There will be refreshments and snacks provided during the workshop. We hope you will attend and learn a wide variety of information at this workshop.
Event Tickets
Tickets processed by our payment processor and managed by us.
Autism Acceptance Workshop
£ 0.00
Purple Lantern Society
Purple Lantern Society is a society for neurodivergent students (diagnosed or suspected ADHD, Autism...
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The University of Portsmouth Students’ Union has a vision of creating a positive impact with every Portsmouth student during their time at University.