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Beer Pong Society


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About Beer Pong Society

We are a society of fun loving people who regularly go on nights out clubbing, play beer pong at Tokyo Joes (formerly known as Mr Miyagis) and have chill get togethers.

Whether you're a heavy drinker or teetotal, we are the perfect society to join for experiencing fun nights out and for making great friends.

The main socials we do are Purple Wednesdays and beer pong socials though we also do more unique socials such as Playzone trips, Christmas dinners, barbecues, and many more.  On top of all this, we often go on nights out together throughout the week for clubbing nights such as pound party at Pryzm on Mondays, dirty disco at The Astoria on Tuesdays, Connections at The Dockyard on Thursdays and any others throughout the week that may take our fancy.  We're always open to suggestions for new nights out as well.  There's no pressure to come to any of our socials as you'll always be welcome with us no matter how regularly you turn up.

For our Facebook group where we will be posting all the important information, follow this link to request to join and an admin will approve you once we confirm that you're a member.

Group Memberships

Full Membership

Full Annual Membership until 1 August, 2023

Expires on 1 August 2023

Full Membership

Full Annual Membership until 1 August, 2024

Expires on 1 August 2024

Full Membership 24/25

Full Annual Membership until 1 August, 2025

Expires on 1 August 2025

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