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Japanese Society


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About Japanese Society

Welcome to UPJS!         

ポーツマス大学 ジャパニーズソサエティのアカウントへようこそ!



The University of Portsmouth's Japanese Society celebrates Japanese history and culture!

Join us for various events ranging from Japanese language lessons, grinding the Hikikomori lifestyle, and Karaoke to movie nights & Soju nights with neighbouring societies.

We look forward to meeting everyone!





The UPJS (University of Portsmouth Japanese Society) WhatsApp group chat is an active and dynamic community of individuals who share a deep interest in Japanese culture and knowledge. Through this platform, members of the group exchange their experiences, insights, and expertise on a range of topics related to Japanese language, history, society, and pop culture.

私たちUPJS (University of Portsmouth Japanese Society) は日本の文化や伝統に興味がある人はたちが世界中から集まったコミュニティです!私たちのWhatsApp グループではそれぞれが興味のある事について話し合ったり、日本語での交流、日本の歴史や文化について語り合ったりしていて、どれも自由参加です!


Whether you're seeking recommendations for a new anime series to watch, interested in exploring the latest trends in Japanese fashion, or seeking tips on how to improve your Japanese language skills, the UPJS WhatsApp group chat is a lively and engaging platform where students, scholars, and enthusiasts of Japanese studies can connect, engage, and learn from each other.

UPJS WhatsApp グループは新しいアニメについて語り合いたい!日本のファッションについて知りたい!日本語を伸ばしたい!と言う方に最適で、同じ興味を持つ方と繋がったり学ぶことも可能です。



To join the UPJS WhatsApp group chat, simply request the link through one of our social media accounts on Instagram and/or Facebook. By joining the group, you'll become part of a welcoming and inclusive community of individuals from diverse cultures, making it easier for you to connect with like-minded individuals and expand your social network.         

下記のリンクからぜひ私たちのWhatsApp グループにご参加ください!!国籍、性別関係なく日本が好き!と言う方どなたでも大歓迎です!!

Committee Members of 2022/23

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Felix Ling


Masters Student of Mechanical Engineering

WhatsApp Image 2023-07-22 at 16.21.36

Nicole Ogbeide


Third-Year Bachelors Student of Criminology and Forensic Science

WhatsApp Image 2023-07-18 at 14.42.52 (1)

Osmond Hei


Third-Year Bachelors Student of Marine Biology

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Kyosuke Sato


Second-Year Bachelors Student of Cyber Security And Forensic Computing


Alex Noikovitch

Media Officer

Masters Student of Mathematics

WhatsApp Image 2023-08-21 at 23.52.38

Max Getman

Event Officer

Third-Year Bachelors Student of Environmental Science Science


Barun Limbu

Event Officer

Second-Year Bachelors Student of Marketing Science


Vijay Sankar

Sport Event Officer

First-Year Bachelors Student of Computer Animation And Visual Effects


National anthem:



さざれ石の 巌となりて


You can find all of our social media and information here: UPJS Social Media

Japanese nationality not required

Group Memberships

Full Membership 24/25

Full Annual Membership until 1 August, 2025

Expires on 1 August 2025

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