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First Aid Society


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About First Aid Society

Our First Aid Society is centered around you and your involvement with St John Ambulance, the leading national First Aid Charity . By joining our society, you will have the opportunity to learn First Aid Skills that can make a difference and potentially save a life. These skills include CPR, the use of Defibrillators, and wound treatment. As a member of our First Aid Society, you will also have the chance to become a volunteer with St John Ambulance in various capacities. One of these opportunities is providing First Aid at Community Events such as the Great South Run in Portsmouth, Portsmouth FC, concerts, and even festivals . Being a member of our society will enhance your skills in communication, teamwork, and confidence. It will also enable you to gain invaluable skills that will be transferable to future jobs. Our society will push you to think outside the box in a way that may not relate to your University Degree.

We have a new and exciting training Programme for the next Academic Year with lots of fantastic learning and development events. Our society also holds social evenings which include activities like bowling, mini golf, and purple Wednesdays. These events will further enable our members to make friends, meet new people, and have some fun. We meet on a Monday Evening in the Student’s Union at 7 pm.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at firstaid@upsu.net.

Group Memberships

Full Membership 24/25

Full Annual Membership until 1 August 2025

Expires on 1 August 2025

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