UoP Green Party
Welcome to the University of Portsmouth’s Green Party Society. We are a brand new society for all students interested in the Green Party and green politics. With us you can participate in the local green party, learning about events and our community. If you are new to politics you can ask questions and participate in discussions to understand what the green party stands for and our core values.
We work closely with the Portsmouth green party to ensure that information we present is accurate and up to date. The Green Party is active in local politics and we will announce when they have planned events within the community and give our members the opportunity to join in and cooperate.
If you would like to learn more about our society please feel free to join our discord and ask some questions, or if you prefer, you can come along to our socials to get a feeling for how we are organised. We welcome people from all walks of life, no previous experiences within politics required.
Full Membership 24/25
Full membership for 2024-2025
Expires on 31 July 2025
Contact Us
- Call: 023 9284 3628
- Email: hello@upsu.net
Useful Links
Social Accounts

The University of Portsmouth Students’ Union has a vision of creating a positive impact with every Portsmouth student during their time at University.