Unite Web Banner - Feb 25

Re-open the union bar

Being a student we’ve all had our fair share of nights out, going to bars around Portsmouth is fun, but it’s not the same as a union bar. Having friends in other unis I’ve seen union bars, the atmosphere is unmatched. Being a first year in a new city, going out is daunting, independent pubs don’t feel as safe and secure and with spicing being something we are all worried about. A union bar creates a level of security, knowing that it’s just students, that have the same worries, we also have dedicated campus security that has consistent training unlike other pubs and bars around Portsmouth. Finally, being a first year I’ve always felt worried meeting new people, a student bar creates a safe space to meet new people, in a student focused environment that doesn’t break the bank!

  • Petition submitted by on Oct 19, 2022

This petition is in the Review State

This petition has reached the required number of backers to be reviewed at the next meeting.

How Will This Idea Benefit Students?

It will create jobs for students in a competitive market, allow for greater security for students and staff due to the lack of external people allowed and consistent training across the security team.

The union bar can also create student focused prices, lots of union bars from other university’s supply students with good prices as they aren’t focused on profit as a factor. 

The union bar can also be used to promote university groups and bands and other performers that otherwise wouldn’t get the opportunity to be seen. 

How Can The Union Achieve This?

The union previously had a bar, unfortunately with it closing in 2019 we’ve been without one. There’s the space in the union where it previously was, there’s even signage around the union for it still!

The union would need to reach out to students, many of which have bar experience, no external personal would be needed as it can be student run like many other university’s have.

Petition Updates

  • Petition in review

    This petition will now be reviewed at the next Student Council. You can find the date on the Meetings section of the HYS platform.

  • Backers Needed Reached

    This idea has reached the required number of backers and will now be reviewed at the Student Council.

  • Petition needs Backers to Continue

    This petition needs 15 student backers by 14:16 16th Nov 2022 to proceed.

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