#Fridays for Future

Let’s make a strike happen to show we care about the climate!

  • Petition submitted by Victoria Yates on Apr 24, 2019

This petition is in the Passed State

This petition has been passed and will be actioned ASAP.

How Will This Idea Benefit Students?

Inspired by the 16 year old Greta Thunberg, who has started an international movement where climate strikes take place in schools across the world, it makes us consider why aren’t we as a university joining in?

Do you care about the climate?

Me too, and that’s why we’re doing something about it!

If we make it a formal event on a Friday before the end of term, then although exams will still have to take place, this is a cause that even most of the staff would support. Let’s make it happen.

Potential dates could be: 10/05, 17/05 or 24/05- the 24/05 is a global strike (however we realise that most courses have finished lectures by then already so will defeat the object of a strike! )

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