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The Union should bring back the Union bar to make the student experience better post covid
Date created
Nov 23, 2021
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The Union should engage in meaningful drug harm reduction and provide free drug test products and information around drug harm reduction and awareness
Date created
Oct 13, 2021
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The Union should engage in meaningful drug harm reduction and provide free drug test products and information around drug harm reduction and awareness
Date created
Oct 13, 2021
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The Union should provide free resources, education and work with local partners to help prevent spiking in Portsmouth.
Date created
Oct 12, 2021
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The Union should provide free resources, education and work with local partners to help prevent spiking in Portsmouth.
Date created
Oct 12, 2021
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The Students' Union must lobby the University to ensure that those students affected by the crisis in Afghanistan are able to complete their studies in a safe and constructive environment. This includes Afghan students, students that may have anxiety due to being from a neighbouring country, as well as students who may have had friends or family fight in the Afghanistan war.
Date created
Aug 24, 2021
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The Students' Union must lobby the University to ensure that those students affected by the crisis in Afghanistan are able to complete their studies in a safe and constructive environment. This includes Afghan students, students that may have anxiety due to being from a neighbouring country, as well as students who may have had friends or family fight in the Afghanistan war.
Date created
Aug 24, 2021
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For the students’ Union to stand up against the oppression of Palestine. Oppose the Human Rights Violations, hold an official stance against the atrocities occurring and lobby the university to end its dealings and involvement with the arms trade.
Date created
May 20, 2021
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For the students’ Union to stand up against the oppression of Palestine. Oppose the Human Rights Violations, hold an official stance against the atrocities occurring and lobby the university to end its dealings and involvement with the arms trade.
Date created
May 20, 2021
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1) Embedding the Zero Tolerance to Racism policy 2) Laying the groundwork for night out safety/substance abuse report and sexual harassment policy 3) Supporting BAME Ambassadors with leading themselves and remaining relevant and embedding them in culture
Date created
Apr 20, 2021
Last Update
Never Updated

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The University of Portsmouth Students’ Union has a vision of creating a positive impact with every Portsmouth student during their time at University.

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