Work smarter not harder this exam season!

Organise your revision time with our handy study guides!

  • Posted Mon, May 15, 2023 3:21 PM

Deadline and exam season is officially upon us!

That means you’ve potentially got lots of assignments and revision to get stuck into. But don’t panic, we’ve got you covered!

We’ve created several study packs for you to download, full of different helpful worksheets and planners to help you organise and structure your studies. These include blank assignment plans, mind-maps, and calendars.

Our Daily To-Do List is specifically designed to maximise your productivity and reduce stress by breaking down all of your to-do’s into manageable quick ticks and small tasks.

Currently completing your dissertation? We’ve also made the perfect literature review research bank, for you to store and analyse all of your important sources and references.

You can print them out, stick them on your wall or alternatively carry them around with you on campus.

Click the templates below to get started now!

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