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Introducing your 2024/25 Elected Officer Team

You voted for them back in February and now the Officers have officially started their term in office. Find out more about them and what they plan to achieve for you!

  • Posted Wed, Jul 10, 2024 10:00 AM

Your 2024/25 Elected Officer Team

As another academic year comes to an end, this marks the beginning of a new elected term in office for Elected Officers. You voted for them back in February and last week your 2024/25 began their official year term in office! 

Anwar and Marija are returning for a second term after getting re-elected and we welcome Blessing, Connor and Dan to the Student Union to make up your team of five Elected Officers. Find out more about them below and what they are planning to achieve for you this year.

Anwar Jawula | Democracy & Campaigns Officer 

About Anwar

Hello everyone I'm Anwar, it has been a pleasure to represent all students and work with great staff members here at the Union and am looking forward to a second year representing you. A bit about myself, I was a Course Rep in first year, then became the Chair of the Student Council, and in third year, I became the Faculty Rep for HSS. After that, I was elected to be the Democracy and Campaigns Officer last year.


Cost of Living

I will lobby the government to increase maintenance loans in line with inflation and bring back the maintenance grant system. This will ensure that students don’t have to choose between working and studying. I will also work with the university to support international students struggling with money and will initiate other cost-of-living programs.

Union Vibrancy

I will work towards enhancing the student union building by adding a coffee shop, food options, and a student union bar. I believe that every student has the right to express their cultural beliefs, and I will push for more cultural events and clubbing events like the winter ball and independence celebrations.

Student Campaigns

I believe in the power of Portsmouth students. If re-elected, I will empower them to confidently run their own campaigns with the help from the union and me.

Blessing Okafor | Learning Experience Officer

About Blessing

The Student Union, as well as the University, have done so well in listening and acting. However, a whole lot still needs to be done and improved upon. My name is Blessing Okafor, and I ran to serve you as a Learning Experience Officer.


Minimise Stress and Cut Costs

Some students go through stress due to a lack of awareness of the available support systems. I would ensure that students are acquainted with the various learning support systems in the university, and how to access them. Students spend their resources to acquire some services that are already available to them for free. This must stop. Also, working with the university, and the union, we would eliminate/overhaul the inefficient systems.

Timetabling Challenges

Being a Course Rep, I have come to understand that it is quite stressful for students to attend classes 5 days a week. The most challenging part is that some of these lectures last for 2 hours, and that will be all for the whole day. This is unhealthy, financially draining, and causes disorientation. I have been able to tackle some of these issues for my coursemates.


I strongly believe that the university must be fully involved in providing placements for students. A well worded referral letter from the university will go a long way in facilitating acceptance, rather than students submitting tens and hundreds of applications as individuals. I will work with the Career and Employability team to create employment events that are relevant to students’ fields of study.

Connor Sutherland | Welfare Officer

About Connor

Hi! My name’s Connor and I’m a Health Psychology Masters Student. I’m passionate about student safety and mental health, being a Portsmouth Psychology Graduate, who completed a placement year as a Wellbeing Practitioner. 

I’m the Vice President & welfare secretary of Street Skating Society and the President of SSDP, having also previously been a psychology student mentor for 2 years, and lead mentor for 1. 


Anti-Spiking Resources

Drink covers, bottle stoppers, testing strips & more handed out from the welfare tent on Purple Wednesdays - I will provide even more free Purple Wednesday bottles and raise awareness that these can be used in venues! - Ensure ALL welfare secretaries in societies are properly trained 

Treat Yourself

Work with the Library to have a Puppy Day around EVERY assessment period - Work with the Chaplaincy to get FREE FOOD & TOILETRIES PARCELS to students no questions asked - FREE sanitary products in every building - Offer every university staff member mental health first aid training

No Wrong Door

Streamline the process for reporting harmful incidents by ensuring student leaders (comittee members, course reps, etc.) and staff know where to signpost persons reporting incidents such as mental health crises, sexual assault, harrassment, bullying, spiking and racism - Boost promotion of university services such as ASDAC & Wellbeing team

Dan Ummu-Salamah | Development Officer

About Dan

Hello, I’m Dan Ummu-Salamah, I've been a Course rep in the Business School and studying Digital Business Management, a proud member of the Taekwondo & Karate society and avid supporter of various UoP groups and societies.   

Being a senior Course Rep has given me the opportunity to work with the Union in expressing many students' opinions & concerns across to the University to create helpful solutions and resources.

A big part of the University experience is academics BUT I believe in creating lasting connections and fun memories, which is why I ran to be your Development Officer.


Turn the Bus Around

I will make the University bus work for you, with the Estates Department, making the bus run more efficiently and at more convenient times for students. I also committed to developing a bus running the opposite way to make commuting easier!

Kickstart Your Career

Before graduation! It’s not just enough to have a degree anymore, let’s make your career journey easier by working with the Careers team in order to develop a student-led career and placement scheme, making sure you're ready before you even have to be, to secure you a brighter future.

Help You Find Your Space

Coming to University is hard, managing learning and enjoying your time. I want to make fitting in easier, by creating a new groups match system. See what people on your course are doing and joining before you enrol, making it easier for you to meet people with similar interests. 

Marija Solic | Academic Representation Officer

About Marija

Hi everyone, I'm Marija, and I put myself forward for re-election as your Academic Representation Officer. Through my involvement in various societies and roles like Groups' Assistant and Faculty Rep for SaH, and having been your Academic Representation Officer last year, I've been working hard to bring about positive changes. 

Now, I'm keen to keep the momentum going and complete the projects I've started.


Assessment Reform

This means you will be able to improve your assignment grades WITHOUT BEING CAPPED AT 40%. Also, I'm working with the University on REMOVING THE EXAMS in certain modules, recognising their stress-inducing nature and exploring better ways to assess knowledge. Plus, I'll advocate for THE REMOVAL OF DISSERTATIONS after the Level 6 in areas where they aren't mandated and are more of a barrier to graduation than benefiting students. Also, I'll advocate on CHANGING REFERRAL timelines, giving you more time for deferred and referred assignments. 

Course Rep Rework

My goal is to make it smaller and more efficient while ensuring Course Reps have a real say in decision-making by having a seat on key decision-making committees. This way, you can truly be a part of creating and driving positive changes. TRAINING of the Course Reps will also look different next year, with more leadership and confidence building focus delivered by actual experts in those fields. 

Student Resources

Keeping up with my promise, we're CONTINUING WITH MONTHLY Q&A DROP-INS and FORUMS. Additionally, I'm working on THE UNIVERSITY MOBILE APP. While the first version is mainly for information, the upgraded version will provide everything you need for your student journey (timetable, Moodle, emails, etc) right at your fingertips.

Keep up to date with the Officers

Website: Check in on what the Officers have been up to and progress on their manifestos on their Officer pages

Social Media: Follow the Officers on Instagram and TikTok

Email: You can contact the team by emailing electedofficers@upsu.net

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The University of Portsmouth Students’ Union has a vision of creating a positive impact with every Portsmouth student during their time at University.

© 2025 UPSU. Registered charity number 1136115, a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales number 3934555.