Unite Web Banner - Feb 25

Its Official...

We're affiliated with the Union :D

  • Posted Tue, Oct 25, 2022 10:15 PM

Thanks to everyone over the last week that has shown interest in the society and followed our social media pages! It means a great deal to us and its great to see our little community building 

As mentioned before, we will begin the process of recruiting shortly for other committee roles so please keep an eye out for that across our instagram page at uop_polsoc. Think of a role that isn't listed in the application? Shoot us a DM and we'll see what we can do.

Hopefully over the coming days we can begin to settle and sort the final bits out like an email address, more social media pages (twitter, discord, tiktok etc). We will be meeting with the groups committee tomorrow morning (because Jess will wake up for her 9am on time and go straight after) so keep eyes peeled for that

lots of keeping eyes peeled. not enough eyes. take care and stay safe

Polsoc x 

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The University of Portsmouth Students’ Union has a vision of creating a positive impact with every Portsmouth student during their time at University.

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