EDI Steering Group

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Steering Group Terms of Reference

Aim:  To support colleagues within UPSU to ensure that its services and operations are accessible and uphold the principles of EDI (champion, steer, rally, drive discussions - be UPSU experts of the EDI Strategy).  To make UPSU a consciously inclusive students’ union by implementing the EDI strategy and action plan to enable powerful participation & authentic representation for every student at the University of Portsmouth.


  1. To progress the implementation and ongoing development of UPSU’s EDI Strategy.
  2. To recommend annual actions, rapid impacts, and  KPIs around EDI to Leadership & the Trustee Board, to come from either:
  3. Student led evidence 
  4. UPSU Leadership
  5. To lead EDI work (strategic overview) across UPSU and monitor progress for any agreed annual priorities, rapid impacts and KPIs as identified above (this is not a matrix or delivery group).
  6. To identify and formulate other policy and practise for UPSU that promotes EDI if required. 
  7. To drive discussions and support UPSU to provide safe spaces for students and staff to discuss issues around equality and diversity. 
  8. To recommend training and development mechanisms for UPSU staff and students. 
  9. To respond to feedback and views arising from the student body, UoP and landscape. 
  10. Make recommendations to appropriate UPSU channels to lobby and challenge the University to develop and improve its practices and policies around EDI. 
  11. To drive research into external and sector-wide best practice for opportunities for UPSU through various channels.
  12. To ensure that, via appropriate channels, we communicate to students (and wider stakeholders) our aims and intentions around EDI, as well as our progress, on a regular basis. 

Page created: Mon, 15 Aug 2022 15:45:06 GMT
Page updated: Mon, 01 Jul 2024 14:57:11 GMT

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The University of Portsmouth Students’ Union has a vision of creating a positive impact with every Portsmouth student during their time at University.

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