Regulate the temperature of the library

I often find that when I go to the library, the temperature in there is never comfortable, it is either too hot or too cold. Can we ask the Library to review how they heat the library?

  • Petition submitted by Rama Hilouneh on Oct 4, 2019

This petition is in the Passed State

This petition has been passed and will be actioned ASAP.

Petition Updates

  • Update from the UPSU Team

    An update from Vice President - Education and Democracy, Rama Hilouneh:

    This was a project which Ken Dick was keen to flag up prior to it coming through the Have Your Say Platform. As this was an issue that was most during the winter months, and the HYS motion came when the months were much warmer, hence why we used the time to collate feedback from students to send to Estates. This will help me and Ken build a case as to why there needs to be more investment in a better heating system for a building like the library (which is fairly old). As this is a continuous campaign, our lobbying to Estates with the support of Ken will continue. 

  • Change Status

    The idea is now marked as Completed

  • Change Status

    The idea has been marked as Fast Tracked. The reason was: This Idea was debated at UAB 30/10/2019 and was approved. The designated rep for this idea is Rama Hilouneh.

  • Change Status

    The idea now has enough backers to be reviewed at the next meeting. This meeting is UAB 06/11/2019 and will be held on Wednesday 6 November, 2019 12:00 pm

  • Change Status

    The idea is now looking for 15 Backers.

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