Unite Web Banner - Feb 25

A Message of solidarity and condolence after the earthquake in Türkiye and Syria

To everyone affected by the Kahramanmaras earthquake, The Officer team and Students’ Union want to extend to you our deepest sympathy and condolences. We also wish to apologise for our lateness in acknowledging these events.

  • Posted Thu, Feb 9, 2023 12:20 PM

To everyone affected by the Kahramanmaras earthquake, The Officer team and Students’ Union want to extend to you our deepest sympathy and condolences. We also wish to apologise for our lateness in acknowledging these events. 

On Monday 6th February, people in Türkiye and Syria were met with high magnitude earthquakes and aftershocks, reaching as high as 7.8 on the Richter scale. 

The earthquakes are the most severe natural disaster people in Türkiye have faced in over a century, resulting in a devastating amount of casualties with an increasing amount of people still missing.

No one should ever have to experience such loss or devastation, yet thousands of people, in Türkiye, Syria, and worldwide, have been mourning and grieving the loss of family, friends, and loved ones. This includes our Turkish, Kurdish and Syrian students here at Portsmouth. 

We are currently looking into organising a memorial & reflection drop-in for students and staff in collaboration with the Chaplaincy and our Student Groups at the Union. As soon as we have this confirmed, we will update students.

For our students here in Portsmouth, know that we want to make sure you are supported during this extremely difficult time. Below is some of the University and Union support services that may be able to help you:

  • The University Chaplaincy is available to all students and staff for prayer, a confidential chat or somewhere if you need some quiet space.
  • The Union Advice Service offers confidential, impartial and non-judgemental support. Delivering advice and guidance on a range of academic and university issues that may affect your experience.
  • The University Wellbeing Service can provide support and counselling with any challenge affecting your mental health, physical health and wellbeing.
  • The University’s  Support Fund can help any student finding themselves in financial difficulties.
  • The University Global Office offers a range of support for International students
  • Sometimes it is helpful to reach out to people going through the same situation, the Turkish and Kurdish Society is a student group that meets regularly.
  • All University support services can also be found here

For any students that would like to donate or support efforts in Türkiye and Syria, below are some charities that are providing aid:

  • British Red Cross has launched an emergency earthquake appeal to help people affected by the earthquake and support rescue efforts. 
  • Unicef have also launched an earthquakes appeal to mobilise supplies and services to support the urgent needs of children and families affected by the earthquakes in Syria and Türkiye.

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