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Studying At Home

Studying at home might not be anything new to you by now, but deadlines and assessments are coming round quick so now is the time to focus and smash out those top grades!

  • Posted Thu, May 6, 2021 3:30 PM

Most people prefer to get out of the house to study; they prefer an environment which is more studious with less distractions, like a cafe, a study space or even the library. Unfortunately for many, this may not be an option at the moment. Places are beginning to open up again, however, many students are still back at home. Don't fear! There are still lots of things you can do to maximise your study time at home.

Put Some Time Aside

Booking out some time in your diary for when you’re going to work can be really helpful, and letting others know that's what you’re doing so they can let you crack on with work without distracting you (no matter how tempting the Netflix binge session is).

Motivate Yourself To Actually Work

If you can’t resist the call of watching that Friends episode you’ve seen a thousand times (“but it’s my favourite!!”), work towards it. If there is something you really want to do, start in the morning and break to take part. Or you can only sit down to watch it if you’ve finished the next chapter.

Reward yourself for the work you’ve done.

Break it Down - Do a Little Each Day

If you have a few thousand-word essays to write, break it down instead. It can be overwhelming to think ‘I have to write 3000 words by the end of the week!’ Instead, think ‘I have to write 500 words today’ for five days. When you break it down into smaller chunks, it can feel much more manageable.

Find Somewhere To Work

However much you’ve convinced yourself you can write an essay in bed - you can’t. Find somewhere you can actually work, like the kitchen table or your desk. You need to be somewhere you can set your mind to ‘work mode’ not ‘nap time’. Sleep studies also suggest keeping your bed as somewhere for sleep, so you can switch off at the end of the day and get those well deserved Zzz’s.


No, not rolls of dice, or little figures, Do Not Disturb. Turn off your phone, ask people not to bother you and get on with it!

Take Time Off To Relax

Working from home can be difficult and distracting. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel! Lockdowns are lifting and we have Graduations and the Summer to look forward to! A bit of hard work now will pay off down the line.

We know it's not easy, but never forget to reach out for help if you are struggling. 

Reach out to your Tutors, ASK, and our Advice Team if you need a helping hand.

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