University Mythbusting 2022
Take a look through our University Mythbusting guide for 2022 to see what's fact and what's fiction!
- Posted Thu, Aug 25, 2022 11:25 AM

We all love scrolling through Facebook, Twitter, or TikTok and enjoying a few funny dog videos. A couple of hours on social media is great to cure the boredom. But, in this digital age, it's also becoming easier and easier for fake rumours to spread.
Take a look at some of the myths we’ve encountered about university and why you shouldn’t believe them!
“First year doesn’t count”
Yes, we know first year generally doesn’t count towards your final degree, but there’s still plenty of work to do to pass the first year, which is very important.
With so much going on during first year you’ll have loads of opportunities to enjoy yourself, so maybe skip a night out or two to work on your assignments!
“You don’t have to go to lectures during first year"
Actually, you do.
Whilst you’re a student your attendance will be monitored, and the university will contact you if you don’t turn up to the majority of classes.
Your lecturers won’t pull you up if you miss one or two, but if you’re consistently not in class, there might be an issue. So go to as many as you can, you’re paying for them after all!
“All socials are drinking socials”
Nowadays lots of societies are doing non- or low-alcohol socials. Whether these are film nights, trips, events, board game nights, or dinners.
Quite often some think that as a fresher, they have to down a drink or do crazy challenges because “these are the rules”. Don’t feel pressured to do anything - you’ll likely have a better night if you don’t down that pint mixture of tabasco, carling, and red wine anyway!
“The cleaners will do everything”
The best way to make sure everyone is happy is to keep your halls clean and make sure everyone does their bit. Don’t think to yourself, “I’m a bit busy and I’m sure someone else will wash it up at some point”.
Don’t rely on the cleaners or anyone else when living in halls. Your parties are your responsibility, so don’t be surprised if the room isn’t cleaned if you leave it in a terrible state.
As a rule of thumb: wash your dishes (sooner rather than later), throw out old food, wash your clothes and bedsheets (regularly) and hoover (once in a while).
“You won’t eat well at uni"
Whilst everyone enjoys a takeaway, this isn’t the healthiest option to go for every week, for your body and your bank account!
It’s much cheaper to budget how much you’re spending on shopping and purchase some healthy ingredients to cook meals.
When your loan comes in, bulk buy some cupboard essentials (pasta, rice, tinned tomatoes etc) and you’ll have enough to make something quick and easy to eat!
“You’ll find your friend group during the first week”
Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to find friends, especially if you’re moving from another city or country. It could take days, weeks or maybe even until the end of the first term before you’ve made friends.
With so much going on throughout the university year, you will always be meeting new people. Whether this is through classes, societies, sports, nights out, or at the student union, you’re likely to find new friends throughout.
“It was fine living with them in first year so I’m sure it’ll be the same in the second”
Whilst this could be true, you may find that things turn out differently when you move into a new place in second year.
First year is often an exciting experience with lots going on and lots of socialising, but when the excitement of first year wears off, the mood can sometimes change.
Make sure you choose your flatmates wisely when moving into new accommodation, as disagreements may make it a much more stressful experience. And if people do change slightly, make sure you give them the space and respect they need to get on with their studies.
“I’m friends with my flatmates so I don’t need to make an effort with people on my course”
If you’re lucky, you will get on with your flatmates and be comfortable with the people you’re hanging around with. That’s great, but don’t sacrifice other people because of it!
The more opportunities you give yourself to meet new people and try new things, the better your university experience will be.
So, if someone from your course asks you if you want to go out, why not go with them? Maybe at some point you can invite your flatmates and everyone will be happy.
Uni isn’t as big and scary as you might think!
There is a lot of help and support, especially from the Students’ Union. If there is anything you are worried about when you start, speak to the Union Advice Service.
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