Course Representatives
What are Course Reps?
Course reps act as a the bridge between students and academics. Creating a space for the student voice to be heard and allows feedback to be gathered to help make changes.
What are Course Reps?
- Gather Students’ feedback and strive to use these opinions to improve the University experience.
- Report back to students on any responses to their feedback.
- Represent students in University meetings and contribute to meaningful discussions
- Act as an impartial representative, impartially represent the views of their entire cohort and not just their own opinions.
- Complete and/or attend Essential Training, such as to attend one of our Course Rep Conferences.
- Take part in the Union’s representation processes, make use of the Have Your Say and StART platforms, where students can submit ideas to improve the student experience.

Things you might do as a Course Rep
- Classroom shout out
- Organise and attend meetings and forums with your fellow students
- Hold drop-in sessions with your cohort
- Liaise with your Faculty Rep and UPSU
- Attend extra training

Benefits of being a rep
- Gaining transferable skills
- A Course Rep hoodie
- Recognition on your work through our social channels and end of year awards
- The possibility of having your work recognised for the Portsmouth Award
- Social events

If you would like to register your interest in being a Course Rep for the next academic year (2024/25) please fill in this form.
If you would like more information or want to have a chat with us about the role, email us on representation@upsu.net
*IMPORTANT* We are evaluating the Course Rep system in 2024/25 for potential changes in 2025/26. Your feedback is crucial in understanding how the Rep System works for you. Please use this form to give us any feedback about the course rep system.
Page created: Wed, 19 Jan 2022 10:18:10 GMT
Page updated: Fri, 20 Sep 2024 12:40:44 GMT
Contact Us
- Call: 023 9284 3628
- Email: hello@upsu.net
Useful Links
Social Accounts

The University of Portsmouth Students’ Union has a vision of creating a positive impact with every Portsmouth student during their time at University.