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Search Petitions

For student safety and convince, a bus service that runs both ways on the current university bus route instead of one way.
Date created
Nov 27, 2019
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I and many other students believe placement should be told to students much earlier to relieve stress and anxiety.
Date created
Nov 27, 2019
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I and many other students believe placement should be told to students much earlier to relieve stress and anxiety.
Date created
Nov 27, 2019
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With widely publicised health information across the University and 24,000 students sharing the facilities, can improvements be made in the hygiene of the equipment and resources?
Date created
Nov 6, 2019
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With widely publicised health information across the University and 24,000 students sharing the facilities, can improvements be made in the hygiene of the equipment and resources?
Date created
Nov 6, 2019
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The aim is make Ecosia, the search engine that plants trees, the default across student PCs on campus.
Date created
Nov 6, 2019
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The aim is make Ecosia, the search engine that plants trees, the default across student PCs on campus.
Date created
Nov 6, 2019
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Do you have exams scheduled one after another? Do you find it difficult to revise multiple complex and often unknown subjects simultaneously? Is the negative grading impact of this fair?
Date created
Nov 6, 2019
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Do you have exams scheduled one after another? Do you find it difficult to revise multiple complex and often unknown subjects simultaneously? Is the negative grading impact of this fair?
Date created
Nov 6, 2019
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I propose microwaves be installed in the main buildings across the University to allow students to bring in their own food from home.
Date created
Oct 19, 2019
Last Update
Never Updated

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