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During the outbreak of Covid-19, the students of the University of Portsmouth are not getting the support they should be, unlike Exeter and Sutton University.
Date created
Mar 27, 2020
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Never Updated
During the outbreak of Covid-19, the students of the University of Portsmouth are not getting the support they should be, unlike Exeter and Sutton University.
Date created
Mar 27, 2020
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During the outbreak of Covid-19, the students of the University of Portsmouth are not getting the support they should be, unlike Exeter and Sutton University.
Date created
Mar 27, 2020
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Introduce specific areas that are designated area for taking phone calls in the library.
Date created
Mar 13, 2020
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Introduce specific areas that are designated area for taking phone calls in the library.
Date created
Mar 13, 2020
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Better signage and enforcement near building entrances will make second-hand smoke more easily avoidable. Take the library entrance as a successful example.
Date created
Mar 6, 2020
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Better signage and enforcement near building entrances will make second-hand smoke more easily avoidable. Take the library entrance as a successful example.
Date created
Mar 6, 2020
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Halt the proposed reductions to the Literature Department at the University, noting the large student uproar that it has created. Effectively save the study of English at Portsmouth.
Date created
Feb 25, 2020
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Halt the proposed reductions to the Literature Department at the University, noting the large student uproar that it has created. Effectively save the study of English at Portsmouth.
Date created
Feb 25, 2020
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Never Updated
Lobby the Union and University together to use their resources to elect a full-time Sport Officer to represent sports clubs
Date created
Feb 18, 2020
Last Update
Never Updated

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