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To bring back free access for CCI student to access the Adobe creative cloud off campus.
Date created
Oct 19, 2022
Last Update
Jan 9, 2023
Creative Cloud is no longer free to use for design students meaning we cannot access the necessary software at home and on our own devices. Although the university suites have the software available it limits the amount of productivity that can be achieved and feels like £65 a year is very steep considering we already pay thousands in yearly fees. It was available last year and gives students the opportunity to study and develop outside of the lectures.
Date created
Sep 22, 2022
Last Update
Dec 19, 2022
Due to their desire to cut costs the University of Portsmouth is currently in consultation to close their Nursery with the decision being made on the 5th September. Without this facility, staff and student parents will suffer a huge blow to their University experience while having, or caring for, a child.
Date created
Aug 12, 2022
Last Update
Oct 12, 2022
Help those with mental health problems feel comfortable about being on campus again, with their (medical) ESAs.
Date created
Mar 25, 2022
Last Update
Never Updated
Darts is easily one of the most popular sports in the UK, and is one of the fastest growing sports in the world. Anybody is able to pick up a dart, and throw it, regardless of body composition, age, or gender. By creating a darts society at the university, we hope this will encourage more people to take up this great sport, at all levels.
Date created
Feb 11, 2022
Last Update
Never Updated
This petition is to lobby the University to commit to bringing back a varied food provision to the Students Union. If the University is unable to commit to this then they allow the opportunity for the Union to take over the catering space to allow independent suppliers to come in and cater for students. Let the Union thrive!
Date created
Feb 4, 2022
Last Update
Never Updated
Run the student U2 bus service all week not just Monday to Wednesday.
Date created
Jan 14, 2022
Last Update
Never Updated
Date created
Nov 26, 2021
Last Update
Never Updated
Date created
Nov 26, 2021
Last Update
Never Updated
The Union should bring back the Union bar to make the student experience better post covid
Date created
Nov 23, 2021
Last Update
Never Updated

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